Welcome to Clocktick!

The principles of Clocktick and what you will need.

When I was migrating my applications to Vercel from a Rails codebase, I wanted background jobs. I also wanted to run them within the same Next codebase on my applications infrastructure without having to build the application twice, give another provider sensitive data, or share my environment variables. This is how this project was born!

Clocktick is a SaaS product where you can fire a job using one of our SDKs which is fully encrypted with the encryption key you provide. The job will then fire to the endpoint you provide where it can then be executed. This means you do not have to keep track of the jobs within your infrastructure and you are the only one who can see the job data.

The only things required on your side are the following:

  • One of our SDKs to be installed in your application. Note that we intentionally make the SDKs very compatible with a variety of languages and frameworks. Whether you are running Go on a droplet or Next.js on Vercel, we have you covered.
  • A HTTPS endpoint that can be hit. It needs high uptime, but not 100% uptime. If the endpoint is down, we will retry the job 20 times (once per minute) before abandoning it.

Pricing is also extremely reasonable, meaning you can get on with what matters most; building your app. To get started, simply create an organisation or get invited to one and then use a client SDK! You can purchase credits for your organisation outside of free tier in the quota section of your organisation.